Single Female in United States, , Singles in New York, New York City Female

Riebeegold: my name is riebeel...
Seeking: Male Age 18 to 43
Status: 33 Single Gay Female
Interest In: Marriage
Ethnicity: East Asian
Living: Live by myself
Eye Catcher: Eyes
Height: 6'5 inches
Body: Average
Hair/Eyes: Black, Black
Smoke: No way
Drink: Only socially
Exercise Sometimes
Politics: None
Education: Bachelors degree
Religion: Confucianism
Income: Less than $15,000
Occupation: Am A Car Dealer
Offspring: None
Personality: Amazing
Country: United States

I’ve always communicated through stories I can’t tell you when I started but as a natural storyteller I was probably destined to become a speechwriter — kind of like my optometrist when I was a kid was probably destined for his career His name was Dr Glassman
And you see what I just did there I told a story A tiny one sure But it took us out of “I’m going to teach you something” mode and into analogy Maybe even made you chuckle Oh come on you at least smiled