Single Male in Papua New Guinea, , Singles in Central, Port Moresby Male

Michaelgimuro: need short term relationship...
Seeking: Female Age 20 to 24
Status: 33 Married Straight Male
Interest In: Short-Term Relationship
Ethnicity: No Answer
Living: Live with my children
Eye Catcher: Hair
Height: 5'5 inches
Body: Average
Hair/Eyes: Black, Brown
Smoke: No way
Drink: Only socially
Exercise Sometimes
Politics: None
Education: High School Dropout
Religion: Christian
Income: $15,001 to $25,000
Occupation: Not Yet Working
Offspring: No Answer
Personality: Shy
Country: Papua New Guinea

I am married with two kids but always having problems with my wife so I need short term relationship so that I wont think about my relationship with my wife