im a loving woman , , have two sons, , honest, caring and serios interms of relationship i have , i stand for what is right..

Jeanbranzuela: serious interms of relationship,honest,carn
Seeking: Male Age 25 to 50
Status: 34 Never married Straight Female
Interest In: Marriage
Ethnicity: Asian
Living: Live with parents
Eye Catcher: Arms
Height: 4'0 inches
Body: Skinny
Hair/Eyes: Black, Brown
Smoke: No way
Drink: Never touch it
Exercise Sometimes
Politics: No Answer
Education: Bachelors degree
Religion: Christian
Income: $15,001 to $25,000
Occupation: Still Find
Offspring: 2 children
Personality: Humorous
Country: Philippines

im a loving woman , , have two sons, , honest, caring and serios interms of relationship i have , i stand for what is right..

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