Single Female in United States, , Singles in Alabama, Pucallpa Female

Cielito: hello, i expect to know a man who really lo
Seeking: Male Age 30 to 45
Status: 42 Never married Straight Female
Interest In: Marriage
Ethnicity: Latino/Hispanic
Living: Live with parents
Eye Catcher: Lips
Height: 4'0 inches
Body: Average
Hair/Eyes: Black, Black
Smoke: No way
Drink: Only socially
Exercise 4 times a week
Politics: Conservative
Education: Some College
Religion: Christian
Income: $15,001 to $25,000
Occupation: No Answer
Offspring: None
Personality: Funny
Country: United States

Well, I am a patient who loves God and take care of my testimony, because I think People who knows me has to see God imagen on me.